Swiss Association of Teachers of English


SATE  November course 2024 with Kirsty Logan 

21 and 22 November 2024

Fribourg / Freiburg

Venue: Fribourg / Freiburg, Collège St. Michel
Date: 21- 22 November 2024 (Thursday & Friday)
Time: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (9. a.m. to 3.30 p.m. on Friday)
Fee: CHF 350.- (SATE members CHF 330.-)

Course Description
Kirsty Logan’s 2-day workshop will be focused on the following 3 topics:
The importance of writing for writing’s sake (The Shredding Workshop)
Maps and what they teach us about humanity, about our world & what has been deemed (un)worthy of designation. (Maps: real worlds/ fantastical realms & personal abodes)
The Senses: how slowing down and paying attention can be deemed, nowadays more than ever, an act of defiance. The benefits of observation and bearing witness (Sensory Details & the awareness of being)
Each of the above mini workshops will be developed in detail with sample execution exercises & follow-up activities that will cover CREATIVE, CRITICAL & PERSONAL WRITING exercises.


Kirsty Logan is a Glaswegian professional writer and pedagogue. Logan has taught creative writing for the universities of London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling, Aberdeen, York, Dundee, Lancaster and Northumbria; and other organizations including Arvon, Moniack Mhor, Curtis Brown Creative, Writers & Artists, The Reader Berlin and Write Like a Grrrl. She was the first ever writer in residence at Harlaw Academy, a secondary grammar school in Aberdeen. Her work is regularly taught in classroom settings, including EFL courses, and her novel The Gracekeepers is currently being considered as a set text in Scottish schools. Her teaching has covered wide-ranging subjects including writing short stories, writing genre (fantasy, magical realism, horror), structure, voice ekphrastic writing and editing your own work.
Her latest books are the novel Now She is Witch & The Unfamiliar: A Queer Motherhood Memoir. Her next book will be a short story collection, due out in late 2024. She is the author of 2 previous novels, 3 story collections, 2 chapbooks, a 10-hour audio play for Audible and several collaborative projects with musicians & visual artists. Her books have won the Lambda, Polari, Saboteur, Scott and Gavin Wallace awards. Her work has been optioned for TV, adapted for stage, recorded for radio and podcasts, exhibited in galleries & distributed from a vintage Wurlitzer cigarette machine.

Please fill in the form below.
Please note that the number of places is limited.
Participants are asked to find their own accommodation in Fribourg.
There will be an optional communal evening meal on Thursday night. Details will be sent to participants in due time.

4 plays in 5 days in London

Dates: 7-11 October 2024

Discover classic and contemporary plays and their productions on stage; get to know their context (historical, sociocultural, political); discuss the process from the page to the stage; meet people from the theatre world; get an idea of the London theatre tradition; exchange with fellow teachers; use the English language in an authentic environment.

4 plays in production in London in October 2024 will be read, analysed, watched, and discussed in the form of workshops or debates. Dramatic genre, techniques and traditions as well as social, historical, and scientific issues will provide topics for the discussions. Participants may prepare a session actively if they feel inspired and wish to. Plays can be of any era and can be in production at the National, in the West End, or in fringe venues. Highlights are visits from professionals involved in the plays who share their experiences with the group.

Organisers: Susanna Lehmann & Chantal Gruber in conjunction with SATE

Further information and registration: