Swiss Association of Teachers of English


 Marie-Claude Guerry


Teacher of English (head of department) and Psychology at Gymnase de Beaulieu, Lausanne

responsibilities: contact to VSG, committee meetings

Contact:  Contact

Matthias Rüegger

Teacher of English and history at Gymnasium Biel-Seeland

Orlaith Nellen

Orlaith Nellen is a Dublin native but has been teaching French and English in Switzerland since 2009. Her qualifications include a Masters in Educational Psychology and an M. Phil in Irish Literature (Trinity College, Dublin). She taught English at the Kantonsschule in Wettingen for 11 years and is now teaching at Neue Kantonsschule Aarau.

"My M. Phil lectures were in the Oscar Wilde Centre, which is the house in which he was born.... I kept praying to his spirit for divine inspiration before my exams!!!!!"

Lynn Williams Leppich

Teacher of English at Gymnasium Liestal and lecturer in ELT at PHBern


Hansueli Müller

Formerly teacher of English and German at Gymnasium Liestal, now retired

responsibilities: finances and website